Reference Splane's exSplaneation I'd just like to introduce a word to the forum (it may have appeared before?) it is "casuistry" and I am using it in its non-philosophical but perjorative sense. It perfectly describes the reaction by the JW org to the 'outing' of their 1914 generation doctrine.
What could they do? If they apologised they would look like charlatans for deceiving millions of people for so long and that would not do the org's image any favours. So they turn to casuistry or clever fudging with partly plausible but misleading explanations over the use of one word. They claim to be teachers (and therefore more reprehensible) and hold millions in their thrall through relentless propaganda through the columns of the Watchtower.
In the Bible the expression "This generation" is unequivocal, it was Jesus' generation. In the NEB, Matthew 24,33 Jesus said "The present generation will live to see it all"... It did not happen... Jesus got it wrong in the first century and that is that. From this failed prophecy of kingdom glory nothing further can be construed. All else is casuistry and most especially is the concept of overlapping generations applied to a future parallel fulfillment of the same event. It is ignorance on wheels.